This is the recipe that I have been looking for. My parents were stationed in Wiesbaden Germany years ago, and my mother who loves to cook befriended a local german woman and the soon exchanged recipes. THIS cucumber salad better known as Gurkensalat is the CLOSEST I have been able to come to recreating it.

Gurkensalat They also make a flavorful addition to a chicken salad or tuna salad sandwich. Peel cucumbers and cut into very thin slices. Mix together vinegar, sugar, salt, and pepper and pour over cucumbers. Ich ❤ die einfache, schnörkellose Küche und möchte Dir Inspiration geben, wenn Du Dir mal wieder die Frage stellst: „Was soll ich heute für meine Lieben und mich bloß kochen?“
Bei meinem Gurkensalat stelle ich mir ebenfalls die Frage, „was-wäre-wenn“ ich eine andere Zutaten-Richtung eingeschlagen hätte beziehungsweise einfach andere Zutaten hinzugefügt hätte. Das ist ja auch das Spannende an neuen Rezepten, dass sie Spielraum lassen. Dennoch irgendwann muss man sich entscheiden, kann aber im Gegensatz zum Lebensweg nochmal zurück gehen und einfach links statt rechts abbiegen
So ist dieses hier, wenn Du so möchtest, das Grundrezept vom Gurkensalat

Zutaten: Gurkensalat

  1. 1 Gurke.
  2. 1 Bund Dill.
  3. Zitrone.
  4. 1 EL vegane Creme Fraiche.
  5. Salz und Pfeffer.

German Cucumber Salad (Gurkensalat) Kimberly Killebrew, Fresh and crispy German cucumber salad, just like the kind you know and love from German restaurants! Gurkensalat: Recipe for German Cucumber Salad. One of our all-time favorites in summer, is the traditional "Gurkensalat" (German Cucumber Salad). it is easy to make, low in calories, and very refreshing in summer as a side dish for any fish or meat dish or just by itself: Gurkensalat is a simple cucumber salad with dill that is light and refreshing. This German Cucumber Salad is just creamy enough to complement the crisp summer cucumbers without being overly heavy. Gurkensalat (German Cucumber Salad) Homemade cucumber salad is a refreshing companion to any main dish, be it meat or fish, which is especially popular in summer.

Anleitung: Gurkensalat

  1. Gurke in feine Scheiben schneiden, salzen und gut durchmischen. Ca. 15 Min. ziehen lassen. So kommt die Flüssigkeit aus der Gurke und der Salat wird cremiger..
  2. Dill und die Creme Fraiche dazugeben. Mit Pfeffer und einem Schuss Zitronensaft abschmecken..

German Deli Cucumber Salad (Gurkensalat) Recipe by Polar Bear. Translated from the German recipe of Maria Hedwig Stuber. Now, let me just preface this by saying that I realize everybody's German Oma makes this traditional recipe slightly differently.

I've tried to stick to the basics of Gurkensalat while making a few easy modifications which, in my humble opinion, make this cucumber salad even better! Gurkensalat is a German Cucumber Salad that usually uses a creamy dressing, however, oil and vinegar based ones are also common. My husband has a very strong German heritage so this weekend, we had friends and neighbors over for an Oktoberfest party. The dressing for Gurkensalat is simple to prepare.

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